Thursday, October 4, 2012

Finally feels like Fall!

Fall officially arrived almost two weeks ago, but it hasn't been until the last couple of days that it's actually started to feel like Fall.  We've experienced an Indian Summer with warm, sunny days and little to no rain.  In fact, I can't remember the last time it rained here. The fields are brown and the threat of wildfires is always in the back of my head.  

Starting yesterday, we had our first chilly day with highs in the 60s and temperatures low enough at night to freeze anything in the garden still growing. I forgot to bring in my pot filled with basil that I was hoping to keep going for a while longer in the kitchen.  The main plant is dead, but there was a smaller plant, hidden behind the larger plant that not only survived, but looks as healthy as ever. I will have fresh basil for my pizzas a little while longer.

I had to dig out my jeans for the first time in months.  I've been living in shorts and sandals all summer. Tonight, flannel sheets are going on the bed.  Tomorrow I need to prep the raised bed for planting garlic.  I know that compost needs to be added, but I failed to pick any up last time we were in town and my compost pile is not quite ready.  I'll plant it anyway and hope for the best next spring.  I have a hard-neck variety and a soft-neck variety that I'm trying. This is my first time planting garlic, so this is an experiment of sorts.

Apples are ready on the two trees we have. They're small, but we didn't water all summer and they're organic (no sprays, chemicals, etc.). They're also delicious!  I don't know the varieties. One tree has green and one has red. The best of both worlds! 

I've already dehydrated some and will surely be making some yummy desserts in the near future. Apples make the end of summer more bearable!  We have a lot of work to do in the next couple weeks... the snow will be here before I know it. 

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