Starting seeds doesn't have to be expensive. Get creative with used containers you have around your house.
My husband went on a hummus eating spree last year and saved his containers for me. Any plastic containers should work. I punched holes in the bottoms with a nail and hammer and the hubby did a few with his electric drill. The drill was faster and more efficient, but either method works.
I'm using the container lids underneath the pots to collect any water that drains out.
I have about 14 of these scattered around my house right now.
It's easy to write what is planted on the container with a permanent marker.
I've also been saving egg cartons for a few months. Simply fill with seed starting mix and put a seed in each space.
Again, I wrote right on the egg carton what is planted in each. This one has 6 Amish Paste tomatoes and 6 St. Pierre tomatoes.
The egg cartons are small spaces, so they will probably need to be replanted before being put outside. This is my first year trying this method, so it will be an experiment.
It's all about repurposing and upcycling items you have around the house.